Tag: Performance

  • Don‘t cache renderings containing placeholders

    Sitecore‘s „HTML Cache“ feature on renderings has been a great tool since the early days of Sitecore. While in the world of headless, we‘re actually caching JSON instead of HTML, the functionality of this cache remains the same: There are caching variants and more but I won‘t go deeper into this topic as it has…

  • Infinite loop with dictionary domain

    Infinite loop with dictionary domain

    Two caveats when working with Sitecore’s dictionary domains: 1. Set uniqe names on each dictionary domain item If two items have the same name i.E. “Dictionary” this will kick off an infinite loop when opening Experience Editor forcing the instance to freeze. Update 08/11/2020: Apparently duplicate names aren’t the only thing that triggers these infinite…

  • Glass Mapper: Does the number of mapped fields have a performance impact?

    Recently at work, the discussion arose if the number of fields mapped from Sitecore Items to our models would have a performance impact. The question was if we should limit the number of mapped properties in our IGlassBase interface to gain performance. I did a simple test by mapping an item to a test interface (IGlassBaseTest) and…

  • Experiences with Glass Cache

    In version 4, Glass Mapper introduced a caching mechanism to speed up access to mapped objects. Basically, once an object is mapped, it is stored in Glass Cache which by default utilizes HttpCache in Memory. The next time the same object is mapped, it will be returned from the cache instead of being read from the…