Querying generated Template Models with Glass
I have written some helper methods for working with generated Template Models and Glass.Mapper. Main goal is to make it easy for developers to query the Sitecore database using generated Template models. See Mike’s post for details on what Template Models are. Examples Let’s start with this fictional content tree: Now, let us get the…
Glass Mapper: Does the number of mapped fields have a performance impact?
Recently at work, the discussion arose if the number of fields mapped from Sitecore Items to our models would have a performance impact. The question was if we should limit the number of mapped properties in our IGlassBase interface to gain performance. I did a simple test by mapping an item to a test interface (IGlassBaseTest) and…
Experiences with Glass Cache
In version 4, Glass Mapper introduced a caching mechanism to speed up access to mapped objects. Basically, once an object is mapped, it is stored in Glass Cache which by default utilizes HttpCache in Memory. The next time the same object is mapped, it will be returned from the cache instead of being read from the…