Category: Uncategorized

  • Infinite loop with dictionary domain

    Infinite loop with dictionary domain

    Two caveats when working with Sitecore’s dictionary domains: 1. Set uniqe names on each dictionary domain item If two items have the same name i.E. “Dictionary” this will kick off an infinite loop when opening Experience Editor forcing the instance to freeze. Update 08/11/2020: Apparently duplicate names aren’t the only thing that triggers these infinite…

  • DiSA Episode 4: Client-side Event Tracking

    DiSA Episode 4: Client-side Event Tracking

    Coders, your time has come! In this episode, we’re going to trigger client-side events from Javascript using XdbTracker – a Client-side Event Tracker for Sitecore 9.x We’re going to fill even more built-in Experience Analytics reports with data… the dashboards are starting to look quite impressive. XdbTracker is available on Github: XConnectHelper can also…

  • DiSA Episode 3: Content Profiling & Identification

    DiSA Episode 3: Content Profiling & Identification

    In this episode of Diving into Sitecore Analytics, we’re going to gain insights into our (currently) anonymous audience. We’ll create segments based on content interest (Content Profiling) and we will look into identifying individual users based on unique identifiers. These two powerful concepts – built in to the Sitecore Experience Platform – provide a huge…

  • Allow lookup field queries to respect site root

    This post shows two ways of using relative lookup field queries in a multisite environment.

  • Web API routes failing after updating to 8.1 Update-3

    After updating to 8.1 Update-3 from 8.1 Initial Release our custom Web API routes on CM and CD were failing with the following exception:

  • Experiences with Glass Cache

    In version 4, Glass Mapper introduced a caching mechanism to speed up access to mapped objects. Basically, once an object is mapped, it is stored in Glass Cache which by default utilizes HttpCache in Memory. The next time the same object is mapped, it will be returned from the cache instead of being read from the…

  • Custom FxCop Ruleset for Sitecore

    Recently, my Co-Worker Daniel and I were allowed to present our way of ensuring code-quality using Sonar and custom Sitecore FxCop rules at the first Swiss Sitecore User Group. Our solution is based on the shared source module of Johannes Zijlstra to which we now were allowed to contribute our changes. Thanks for that! If…

  • Failing DNS lookups slowing down site after upgrade

    I ran into a problem today while setting up a content delivery server after upgrading from Sitecore 6.4 to 7.2. After setting everything up, the site ran very slowly and the Sitecore Log started filling with exceptions like this: System.Net.Sockets.SocketException: The requested name is valid, but no data of the requested type was found ……

  • PublishAgent skipping all items when CheckSecurity is activated

    We ran into an issue when trying to publish the entire site on a regular basis using PublishAgent. We have it set up to publish the entire site every hour. <agent type=”Sitecore.Tasks.PublishAgent” method=”Run” interval=”01:00:00″> <param desc=”source database”>master</param> <param desc=”target database”>web</param> <param desc=”mode (full or smart or incremental)”>smart</param> <param desc=”languages”>en</param> </agent> We noticed though, that new…