Video series “Diving into Sitecore Analytics” launched
I have launched a video series on youtube. The goal is to touch on as many Sitecore Analytics and Experience Platform features as possible without going into too much detail. We’ll start out with out of the box features…but coders don’t worry: there will be code in the later episodes! 🙂 Any kind of feedback…
DiSA Episode 2: Campaigns & Channels
In this episode of Diving into Sitecore Analytics, we’re going to use campaigns to feed our acquisition reports with useful data. (and do some neat personalization) By the way, this post from 2014 is still valid! It describes how campaigns are triggered and how to customize triggering.
DiSA Episode 3: Content Profiling & Identification
In this episode of Diving into Sitecore Analytics, we’re going to gain insights into our (currently) anonymous audience. We’ll create segments based on content interest (Content Profiling) and we will look into identifying individual users based on unique identifiers. These two powerful concepts – built in to the Sitecore Experience Platform – provide a huge…
DiSA Episode 4: Client-side Event Tracking
Coders, your time has come! In this episode, we’re going to trigger client-side events from Javascript using XdbTracker – a Client-side Event Tracker for Sitecore 9.x We’re going to fill even more built-in Experience Analytics reports with data… the dashboards are starting to look quite impressive. XdbTracker is available on Github: https://github.com/lowedown/XdbTracker XConnectHelper can also…